INSEAD Latin America Club
Welcome to INSEAD Latin America
About Us
The INSEAD Latin America Club contributes to make INSEAD the preferential business school for Latin American companies and to increase the continent’s business environment awareness within the INSEAD community.
Since it was founded the Latin American Club has been serving as the main two-way channel linking business in Latin America with the INSEAD community. The club aims to be a focal point for people who share an interest in the region. Throughout each year the Latam Club organizes and sponsors the following events:
Career fairs: Organizes and promotes the Latin America Career Fair – along with LBS and IESE. The annual event attracts major companies in Latin America to bridge our students’ interests with the leading companies that are giving form to the region.
Integration: the welcome of students and integration with the INSEAD community is fostered by the organization of social events that promote durable relationships among current and past students with the school.