Current Leadership: MBA’25J Leadership, MIM Club Representative
Eunice Chan
Wafa Walid
Fionn Tighearnaigh
VP Alumni & External Relations - SGP
Yong Quan Lim
VP Alumni & External Relations - SGP
Julie Awad
VP Alumni & External Relations - FBL
Isobel Fleming
VP Alumni & External Relations - FBL
Levin Shu
VP Career & Events - SGP
Vincent Leong
VP Career & Events - SGP
Aditi Dhamanaskar
VP Career & Events - FBL
Enzo Zhou
VP Career & Events - FBL
Niru Kumari
VP Finance - FBL
Aria Wang
VP Finance - SGP
Tsukiko Horikoshi
VP Communications - SGP
Eline Madelpuech
VP Communications - SGP
Erica Wallace
VP Communications - FBL
Claire Whittaker
VP Communications - FBL
Nathan Tops
MIM Representative
Current Leadership: MBA’24D Leadership, GEMBA and MIM Club Representatives
Linda Della
Lorraine Liu
VP of Communication Asia
Steven Shen
VP of Alumni Asia
Vince Vanier
VP of Alumni Europe
Daniel Hess
VP of Career Asia
Raymond Garskovas
VP of Career Europe
Mradul Jain
VP of Communication
Khachatur Mesropyan
VP of Finance
Maria Ribalta
VP of Events Asia
Carl Guichard
VP of Events Europe
Tony Zuo
VP of Networking Asia
Mehdi Lombardi
VP of Networking Europe
Stephen Chonardo
Clinical Expert Asia
Aline Boanova
Clinical Expert Europe
Omar Khan
GEMBA representative
Chetan Sarjapura
MIM24 Club Representative
Hanyu Li
MIM24 Club Representative Deputy